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The Story So Far
Moth Street Artists
Self Release

A bargain for money release as Moth Street Artists have compiled previous releases onto a single CD. Live, they are a jumpy, zany band that are visually captivating. So having sought out a disc buy following a live performance it was good to settle down in the Monkey Cage and give MSA a well-deserved listening to.
The haunting intro (Alex) of the first track ‘Take Me Away” gives way to Jasmines power voice as it explodes to the fore. The song winds on it’s journey, twists and turns, dropping like a waterfall before it hits the sea with a twist of currents.
Skipping and jumping “Down in History” provides the evidence that the vocals are not just words but another instrument MSA have into their arsenal. With the beat (Blake) picking up, the riffs come crashing through, in a two pronged attack. The nicely formatted guitar solo builds and leads use out.
Immediately “Promise Land” captures you with it’s acoustic pickings drawing you in, when Jasmines clear and powerful words take you higher. This number soars like a bird in flight, instrumently capturing the uplift of the wild winds.
The jumping angst of “One Thing to Say” is a bouncy number that humps in your face and it’s catchy chorus hook. Very much a live number.
Another haunting intro and “Say My Name” is a story to tell. Another song that sucks you into its driving beat and hand clapping march. An ode to “Breaking Bad”?
The “River” is another bouncy song that rides the bass (Jonah) and staccato drumming as it crashes the rapids.
Rising like a mist “Corruption” features a dirty and twisted guitar then power riff. Sprinting away at the end this is a heavier number and one you can really get your listening teeth into.
The next number lulls you into a sweet space as gentle pickings and Jasmines voice serenades you . Then you find the crashing riff exclaims that in fact “The Devil” is smiling down on you. This number is a great example of what MSA bring to the table.
And in a similar way “Hey” could be the anthem of MSA. A sing along jumpy number the bounces like a Los Angles Lakers basketball, rolling all the MSA goodness into one drop shot basket.
As the name suggests “Liquor Loaded” is moody song interlaced with riffing work that explodes your head.
Heading into the final straight “Squared Away” brings you down into a gentle velvet glove that lyrical slaps you in the face. Jasmines harmony vocals over the acoustic stumming and keys is a beautiful experience.
Last track “White Flag” is a rocker that kicks into a crashing anthem. Again Jasmine’s vocals lead a powerful call with the hook enticing the spirit to break out. If by now you have now surrendered to the grand MSA plan then I doubt if you ever will.
Musically while they maybe in the sphere of Arcade Fire it is Jasmines voice that really stands MSA apart and in a musical world of their own.
A great release by local talent the merits support wherever in the Globe you are.
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