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Don’t Try This At Home
Sister Switchblade
Self Release
As 2024 draws to a close this one nearly slipped past. However thanks to a Rockaria HFM 107.3 living up to their word this delivery landed in the Monkey Cage. So what better way to keep the flame burning than let’s have an opinionated listen.
In summary this is a gem of kick start rocking that flashes like Hollywood Strip at it’s height. A road tripping album twelve tracks that represents a big value for money buy.
The album kicks off with a Paul Chapmanesque guitar intro on a rip snorter of a LA Sunset Strip era rocker titled “The Gloves Are Off” Riffs, rips, solo’s abound in this smash n grab.
Track two keeps the momentum up with layered riffing that climbs into hooks that kill. Andy Smith ’s vocals suit the balls to the wall attack.
“I smell a rat” is another gem that fires at will with a cranking solo.
“Dead to Me” brings that pace down with an Alice In Chains type haunting tune that breaks windows with it’s jagged riff.
The rocket fires off with “24 Hours in the Hole” with Slash like solo firing and Gun’s n Roses recipe cooking hot.
And just keeps getting hotter with “Like Dominos” with it’s ring master spruiking you to line up for this melody driven cutting riff song.
“Electric Angel” pumps the foot to the gas as this one flies down the highway.
The pace gins as “Finger on the Trigger” takes a slower, more deliberate aim at giving the cowbell a spotlight. A killing winner.
With a rebel yell “Don’t Tell Me What to Do” is a riffing diamond that hits the spot and bounce’s along with some great guitar tricks.
Some radio interference boots “What A way to Go” into the field as the cowbell marks time back and forth anthem.
The rockin’ riff of “Something Wicked” makes sure this top notch album maintains the standard as it glides into touch down and sirens wail.
Final song “Are You Listening” starts with a gentle acoustic stum as it builds into a heart felt plea, tripping into burning flame. Some delicate keys add to the emotion and a final comedown. An excellent way to close out one of the top releases in 2024.
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